Trail to Close During Zoo Interchange Reconstruction
WisDOT will hold a public meeting on the multi-year closure of a portion of the Hank Aaron State Trail.
From this November until 2017, the Hank Aaron State Trail is scheduled to be closed from 94th Place to 116th Street while the Zoo Interchange is being reconstructed. Because the reconstruction of the Zoo Interchange is such a large project, the detour will take trail users quite a distance out of the way.

The trail will be closed from 94th Place to 116th Street while the Zoo Interchange is being reconstructed. Maps of the detour route will be available at the meeting.

Watch for detour signs along the Hank Aaron even now. There is a lot of utility relocation work going on that must be done before the interchange work begins.
There will be detailed maps of the detour route, along with specific information about countermeasures planned for potential conflict points along the detour. In addition to WisDOT staff, Melissa Cook, Regional Trail Manager for the WDNR and staff from Milwaukee County Oak Leaf Trail will be in attendance.
I will publish a follow-up blog post after the meeting with all the salient details and maps of detour routes.
HAST Detour Public Information Meeting
Tuesday, Aug. 27
4 PM to 6 PM
Wisconsin Bike Fed Office
3618 W. Pierce Street
For more information:
This article was originally published by the Bicycle Federation of Wisconsin.
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