Deanna Schwenner
Meet the concierge at the recently remodeled CityCenter at 735 N. Water Street.
How long have you lived in Milwaukee and why did you choose to live here?
I have lived in Milwaukee on and off for 15 years. I love Milwaukee. I’ve lived other places throughout the country and world, but no place has ever felt like home the way Milwaukee does.
What about Milwaukee makes it a place you like to work and play?
There is always something to do here. You pretty much have to try to be bored. If there is not a festival going on, there are great restaurants, concerts, or you can go for a nice walk along the lake.
Indian Summer – it gets me every time.
What is one thing you’d like to see Milwaukee do better?
There are some great creative and innovative forces at work in this city. I would like to see more business and the public support these efforts more.
What do you do?
Concierge at the CityCenter at 735
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