The Bicycle Sharers
On Monday B-Cycle did a bike-sharing demo in the Third Ward. Soon, 25 bike sharing stations could be spread through Downtown.
On Monday B-Cycle did a bike-sharing demo in the Third Ward. Soon, 25 bike sharing stations could be spread through Downtown. Back to the full article.
I’m definitely a supporter of bike sharing in general and hope that this is wildly successful in MKE.
I am curious though (since you are a board member of the org that is backing this) – what kind of market research was done in MKE for this? Do we have the interest, the demographics, the structure, etc to make this work?
Since Bike Share seems to work everywhere else in urban centers, was the thought that this would be a slam dunk in MKE?
@max Yeah, I should clarify. Milwaukee Business by Bike was involved in getting the idea out there and now individuals (Bruce Keyes, Barry Mainwood, and Jack Hirt) from that group are running with the concept. Also I think the Bike Fed is doing some of that research.
So I really have only been a part of discussion on the concept, not really involved in the process much at all.