Wisconsin school funding cuts create “accidental activists”
A new phenomenon is happening in Wisconsin – the accidental activist.
Beth LaBell is a parent in the Paris School District in Kenosha County. She had never attended a school board meeting – she didn’t pay much attention to what was happening in Madison.
But when budget cuts forced her school district to consider closing, LaBell got involved and worked to keep the school doors open. And when Scott Walker’s budget proposal threatened her district and the 423 other districts in Wisconsin, LaBell stood up again.
“I’m an accidental activist,” she said at a parent meeting held in Milwaukee. “I didn’t plan to get involved, but desperate times call for getting out of our comfort zone.”
Lisa Hennel, a teacher at Milwaukee’s Neeskara Elementary School and parent, wants more for her children and students than the ability to compete with children in other states and countries.
“I want them to create, cooperate, collaborate, reduce, recycle and reuse,” she said. “I want them to be complete human beings.”
These two women and hundreds of others have recently become “accidental activists” in the battle against Walker’s budget repair bill and his proposed 2011-13 biennial budget. Their main focus has been the cuts and changes the governor has planned for K12 education across Wisconsin.
Walker’s plan for K12 education
Gov. Walker has proposed $834 million in cuts to state education aid, ending teacher residency requirements, eliminating the 180-day school year and cutting categorical aids for select educational programs.
Walker proposes an end to Advanced Placement classes, alcohol and drug abuse prevention programming, alternative education and at-risk classes. English for Southeast Asian students, academic achievement programs, and supplemental science, technology, engineering and math programming would also be eliminated under the governor’s proposal. In addition, many school districts will be forced to cut art, music and physical education along with SAGE programming to meet lowered state revenue limits.
Walker would impose revenue limits (the amount of state aids and property tax levy designated to a program) on school nursing programs, transportation, safety equipment and security officers. These services were exempt from revenue limits in previous budgets.
The Governor also wants to reduce the amount of district revenue available for each student by 5.5 percent in 2001-12 and freeze it the second year. On average, it would be a loss of $500 in revenue per student. Under current law, student revenue limits would automatically increase by $275 funding the 2011-12 school year and another $280 in 2012-13.
According to the Department of Public Instruction, this provision alone would reduce school spending an additional $1.68 billion over two years.
Jeff Pertl, a DPI Assistant, told an education forum in Milwaukee that MPS has a per student revenue limit of $10,400 this year. Walker’s proposal would drop the limit to $9,548 for each of the next two years, while fixed costs for fuel, utilities and union contracted wages continue to increase.
Other districts in the region don’t fare much better: Wauwatosa’s revenue limit is $10,628 per student, Walker’s proposed limit would be $10,043 (a $585 drop); Cudahy currently spends $10,787 per student, it would drop to $10,193 (a $594 drop); and Racine’s spending would fall from $9,855 per student to $9312 (a $543 drop) in each of the next two years.
Changes to School Choice and Charters
Walker proposes an expansion and change to the Milwaukee School Choice program. He would add $22.5 million in funding to the program to cover estimated enrollment increases after the lifting of the program’s enrollment cap. His plan would allow enrollment in private schools across Milwaukee County (not just the city), drop the use of WCKE testing requirements for choice schools and only look at federal poverty guidelines when initially enrolling at a choice school.
Thet last provision could lead to students with family incomes above the current federal poverty levels attending choice schools at taxpayer expense.
Pertl added that the DPI doesn’t like the WCKE testing either, but “if choice schools are receiving public funding, it requires public accountability.”
Walker says he would also reform charter schools. Currently certain public school districts and approved educational institutions run charter schools in the state. These schools are considered public but are released from some of the restrictions and contractual ties that bind the hands of typical public schools.

An MPS student gets in some reading time while parents become accidental activists. Photo by Patti Wenzel
The governor is proposing an expansion of this program, adding $18.4 million in funding and expanding the number of students attending charter schools by 16,800 students in the next two years. Walker’s plan would allow any UW four-year campus to start charters and lifts restrictions on the current charters run by UW-Parkside.
Of course, this educational change includes some controversy – namely, the governor’s plan to eliminate the teaching license requirement for charter school employees. A charter teacher would simply need a Bachelor’s Degree to stand before a room full of students.
“Tools” for savings
While there are massive cuts, Walker said the school districts will have the “tools” to bear the reductions in funds. The changes to collective bargaining and the requirement that unionized teachers pay 5.6 percent of their pension contribution and 12.8 percent of their health insurance premium will provide “overall savings for schools across the state (that) will outweigh reductions, ultimately allowing schools to put more money in the classroom,” according to Walker.
On March 16, Walker said $488.7 million could be saved across all school districts in 2011-12 just by implementing the employee contributions. Another $78.9 million would be saved by taxpayers through the lowered revenue limits.
But State Rep. Sondy Pope-Roberts asked the non-partisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau to do an independent study of the governor’s savings figures, and the LFB came up with a completely different conclusion.
“Gov. Walker’s education budget numbers are seriously flawed, and it is imperative that as the budget moves forward we work to resolve these errors so students aren’t penalized by the (sic) Governor Walker’s math mistakes,” Pope-Roberts said.
The LFB noted Walker doesn’t take into account those districts that have existing contracts in place that don’t require the pension and health insurance contributions. Plus, the governor overstates revenue projections by an average of $130,000 per district. In MPS alone, his revenue estimate was off by over $12.5 million.
According to the LFB, Gov. Walker savings projections were correct for only three of the state’s 424 districts. Pope-Roberts forwarded the LFB’s findings to the governor.
“Gov. Walker’s revenue projections do not account for a reduction in state aid, which will result in increased property taxes to make up for lost revenue,” Pope-Roberts said. “I am particularly troubled by the notion that Gov. Walker is trying to use some accounting tricks to mask devastating cuts he is proposing to public education.”
Becoming an accidental activist

La Escuela Fratney Elementary students explain why they want to keep their art, music and gym programs. Photos by Patti Wenzel
Pertl, LaBell and Hennel had advice for parents, grandparents and friends of children: Speak up for education in Wisconsin.
Testimony on these budget proposals is currently being taken across the state before the Joint Finance Committee. On Monday, April 11, the JFC will hold a hearing at the Exposition Center at State Fair Park in West Allis. The public hearing will take place from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
“Ultimately it is about your stories,” Pertl said. “What would you say? What does education mean for your kid?”
Thank you for the misleading article on “accidental activists.” In the article Ms. Wenzel implies that Gov. Walker’s outrageous budget cuts have compelled mild-mannered Beth LaBell who “never attended a school board meeting” to become an energetic activist to save public schools. However, according to publicly released meeting minutes of a Paris School Board meeting held on December 16, 2010, Beth LaBell received the Involvement Plus Award and commented on fund raising and test scores. Obviously she was quite active long before Scott Walker become governor.
I’m looking forward to Ms Wenzel’s next article on an “accidental activist.” Perhaps she could interview Jesse Jackson.
And you wonder why we don’t trust the liberal media.
Accusing Patti Wenzel of being a member of “the liberal media” is preposterous. I know Patti, and nobody has ever accused her of anything smacking of liberal! I’m a liberal progressive Democrat myself, and Patti and I have had epic disagreements – yet remained good friends.
In this article, I think that she has hit on some critical verities regarding our schools, and I thank her for that. I repeat endlessly that there is nothing a society does that is more important than educating its children, and I am firmly of the belief that Scott Walker does not ascribe to that opinion. We must be vigilant and fight for our schools.
Thanks, Patti…
Phil, I would invite you to re-read the third paragraph of this story. I wrote that Ms. LaBell became involved in her school district when budget cuts threatened to close the doors of the school her children attended. The next sentence goes to explain that LaBell stood up AGAIN when Walker released his budget that threatened not only her kid’s school, but every other school.
I also didn’t mention Mr. Walker’s good idea to improve third-grade reading scores.
This piece was meant to highlight people getting involved and also to point out some of the more harmful polices Walker is planning for education.
Thanks for having my back John. While we often disagree on policy points and government, I think the one thing we both come together on is education. It is essential.
Thanks Patti! Well said.
Patti’s focus is all about children and education. She is passionate about covering education and does not try to influence others regarding a certain side of politics… left or right. It was disappointing to read that someone would take the time and energy to squash her work. We are fortunate to have such an intelligent and dedicated individual covering what is happening in our schools.
Dear Patti,
Thank you for this article. I was one of the organizers for the MPS parents meeting. I can certainly attest that many parents including myself who have become active recently over the school funding issue would really rather be able to take our public schools for granted. That just isn’t possible with this budget so we feel forced to act to protect our children. I also wanted to call your attention to a recently published article on Walker’s Read to Lead proposal, which you referred to in your email above.
Thanks again, Jasmine
Not only are children getting reduced art, gym and music…but they are also not being properly cared for in regards to their health. I say this because my daughter was SERIOUSLY hurt during an outdoor gym class the other day…not only did she receive NO help into the school, but she said the nurse was not there so the secretary gave her an ice pack and called us to come get her. My daughter stated that the schools (in our district) SHARE the nurse. I am highly appalled by this. My husband is not a medical professional but even he could see she had broken her collar bone! OUR CHILDREN SHOULD BE MORE THAN DOLLAR SIGNS TO THESE POLITICIANS. Cut spending elsewhere! (Like government paychecks)