Deep talent at Saturday’s Wisconsin Met Auditions

Met winners, left to right: Rhea Olivacce, Angela Kloc, Kristin Schwecke, Samuel Schultz, Kevin Newell, Corrie Stallings and Emily Birsan. Photo courtesy of MONC-Wisconsin District.
Seven of 39 singers who competed at the Wisconsin Metropolitan Opera auditions have advanced to the regionals. Judges awarded each of the seven $1,500.
“This was BY FAR the most talented group of singers we have had,” said district director Kathy Pyeatt. “The judges [Emily Pulley, Kyle Marrero and Michael Egel] were amazed at the level of talent and had a really hard time deliberating.”
Emily Birsan, Corrie Stallings, Kevin Newell, Samuel Schultz, Kristin Schwecke, Angela Kloc and Rhea Olivacce made the cut. They will sing for additional cash awards at the eight-state regional on Feb. 5 in St. Paul. Winners there will go on to the national finals in New York, a hugely important showcase and career-builder for young singers.
Under rules adopted a few years ago, singers can compete in any district they choose. Birsan, Schultz, Newell and Kloc are Wisconsin natives; Kloc is from Milwaukee.
Audience members who heard all 39 singers throughout the long day at the Sharon Lynne Wilson Center voted the $250 People’s Choice Award to Adam Lance Hendrickson. The Florentine Opera also selected Hendrickson, along with Birsan and Stalling, to perform at its annual January recital at the St. John’s Home.