S. 2nd Street Redesign Approved by the Common Council

S. 2nd Street Before
The proposed improvement of S. 2nd Street, in Walker’s Point, was up for approval at the December 22nd meeting of the Milwaukee Common Council. The improvement would involve a complete street reconstruction, narrowing the street to 50 feet from 58 feet, reducing the street to one travel lane in each direction, widened sidewalks, bike lanes, street trees, improved lighting, and other amenities designed to make the street more appeal to pedestrians. Despite the project having support of the two local Alderman that represent the area and the majority of neighborhood stakeholders, Alderman Joe Dudzik made a last ditch effort to halt the project by making a motion to send the file back to committee. In what was a transparent attempt to kill the project, he complained about process at one point saying “I don’t believe that there was an extensive debate.”
In response to Alderman Dudzik’s motion, Alderman Bob Bauman explained that the Department of Public Works, the Department of City Development, the Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewage District and even the Wisconsin Department of Transportation had endorsed the project. MMSD supported the project both as a entity located on S. 2nd Street, and because the plan fits within MMSD’s storm water management principles. Defending the process involved Alderman Bauman stated, “understand there have been numerous neighborhood meetings,” and went on to say in regards to the motion to send back to committee “what new information our we going to garner? No information.”
Alderman Dudzik’s motion failed on a 5 to 9 vote, and the subsequent vote on the committee file was approved leaving only Mayor Tom Barrett‘s approval before Milwaukee can move forward on the redevelopment of S. 2nd Street.
It’s about time we make our streets look a little more habitable for humans.
@Kevin K I know so many of our streets more close resemble freeways than urban streets. But block by block improvements are being made… I believe the State St. (kinda) two-way conversion was also approved… so slowly.
Yes! Its great to see such a satisfying result when the community members have worked so hard to achieve it.
@Kevin Agreed