Board of Supervisors Lay Over RTA Resolution
This meeting of the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors featured the much debated resolution regarding the proposed Regional Transit Authority. Supervisors Michael Mayo, Toni Clark, and John Weishan led the efforts to pass a resolution rejecting the RTA’s proposal. They raised concerns regarding the proposed governance structure of the RTA, and that not all of Racine would be included in the taxing area. In addition to these concerns Supervisor Clark added that she doesn’t want the RTA “take our authority away, and then took aim at the RTA’s proposed use of a sales tax funding source saying, “all of a sudden they have a novel idea.”
Looking beyond the concerns raised by other board members Supervisor Pat Jursik moved to lay the resolution over. She argued that the resolution in its current form took such a negative tone and that by laying the resolution over the board could put together a resolution stating Milwaukee County’s position in better terms. The resolution was laid over on a vote of 7 to 12.