Combined Committee Approves 26-story Tower

1550 N. Prospect Avenue
This meeting was the much anticipated combined City Plan Commission (“CPC”) and Historic Preservation Commission (“HPC”) meeting regarding New Land Enterprises’ development proposal for the Goll Mansion site. New Land Enterprises was looking for two separate approvals at this meeting to move the project forward. First a Certificate of Appropriateness (“COA”) from the Historic Preservation Commission and a change in zoning from RM-7 to Detailed Planned Development (“DPD”) from the City Plan Commission.
Scott Kindness, of Kindess Architecture, explained that the existing zoning would allow unlimited height, up to 186 units and a volume of approximately 112,000 square feet. He showed a variety of renderings and examples that pointed out that the change in zoning request is “basically just a re-allocation of that volume” because under current zoning it would require a building with wedding cake style setbacks so instead they’ve proposed a taller thinner building that would be about 60 feet wide. He also noted that they have reduced the design by a story and a half since the neighborhood meeting. The design now calls for a 26-story building with a maximum of 35-units and five levels of parking. The parking garage would include windows looking into the parking area to lesson the impact on the eastern side. He also explained that they didn’t design it with underground parking because it would be impractical without access to the site from the east and that underpinning the mansion would likely be unworkable. Further he pointed out that “if we go down below one level we undermine the structure to the north”.
Martha Brown, of the Department of City Development (“DCD”), laid out the three parameters specified by the city attorney that HPC should consider as part of the COA’s approval.
- If the work on the structure will have a negative impact on exterior features.
- If the connecting structure fits the guidelines and has no negative impacts.
- If the tower constructed in the “back yard” will have a negative impact on the exterior features.
The city staff made the recommendation to approve the COA if the developer were to meet these requirements.
- The tuck-pointing is limited to only those areas that need work, that the mortar matches, and that staff reviews the mortar work before it begins.
- The front porch is rebuilt to its original design.
- The developer will provide shop drawings of additional features.
Many residents and interested parties spoke out regarding this project, both for and against it. Randy Bryant, from Preserve our Parks, indicated that New Land Enterprises had met with Preserve our Parks and he in spoke in favor of the project saying that “everything we have requested has been incorporated into the project”. Kevin Donahue, one of two architects on the City Hall project and a board member of Milwaukee Preservation Alliance (“MPA”), spoke in favor of the project and reminded the audience that “once these buildings are gone, they’re gone”. Todd Farris, an attorney representing the 1522 On the Lake Condo Association pointed to the historic preservation guideline study report and claimed that regardless of designation of site that HPC has jurisdiction. He went on to say that “this would violate the constitutional rights of his clients” and that the commission should “rise above the politics because it is inconsistent with their guidelines”. There were residents who spoke to their concerns regarding the impact to their views, property values, and preservation of the Goll Mansion as well as a long list of people who put their names in as opposed but didn’t wish to speak. Part of this opposition included Dawn McCarthy, Peter Kovac and Thea Kovac all of which are still involved with a lawsuit between them, the City of Milwaukee and New Land Enterprises.
After hearing hours of public testimony HPC took the issue into the commission for discussion. Sandra A. McSweeney, an HPC member, spoke in opposition because the parking structure would be higher than the ridge line of the Goll House. She also didn’t approve of the proposed AC locations on the new tower, thought the connector was to small and “too shed like”, and she didn’t understand how the access from the Mansion would work. Other HPC members saw value in the project and added their support and comments. Ann Pieper Eisenbrown, an HPC member, added that “we could continue to let the building to sit” or approve the COA and allow for its preservation to occur. Sandy Ackerman, an HPC member, added that “I want to save the mansion” and went on to say that “I do believe that the next step would be demolition”. Indicating her belief that the way to save the Goll Mansion was to support this development because otherwise it would likely be lost. Alderman Bauman, an HPC member, explained that if they didn’t approve the project, the property owner could apply to demolish the property, and that even the lawyer for 1522 On the Lake admits that “it would be better for 1522 if he just demolished the building”.
Alderman Nik Kovac spoke neither in opposition or support but mainly wanted a guarantee that if this project was to go forward that the Goll Mansion truly would be preserved. Boris Gokhman, of New Land Enterprises, explained that the Goll Mansion would be restored as it was “one of the major reason people will buy it”. Indicating that people buying condos in the development will expect the entrance-way to their condos to be completed and see it as part of their reason to buy. Further New Land Enterprises agreed to have the memorandum of agreement added as the fourth criteria to the COA. Ann Pieper Eisenbrown made a motion to approve the COA with the additional condition that the restoration work is consistent with the memorandum of agreement. The COA was approved with the additional condition with only HPC Member Sandra A. McSweeney voting in opposition.
After the Historic Preservation Commission approved the COA the City Plan Commission took up the DPD. Whitney Gould started off CPC’s brief discussion saying “I think it is an usually creative solution to a preservation problem” and then she gave a great discussion on how similar preservation projects have happened in many cities around the world. She made a motion to approve the DPD with two conditions. First, the architect will work with planning staff to tweak the garage, to hopefully lesson its impact. Secondly that any significant changes that effect the Goll Mansion itself will go back to HPC. The DPD was approved and will now go before the Zoning, Neighborhoods & Development Committee.
Political Contributions Tracker
Displaying political contributions between people mentioned in this story. Learn more.
- July 26, 2019 - Robert Bauman received $50 from Dawn McCarthy
- July 20, 2019 - Nik Kovac received $50 from Dawn McCarthy
- March 23, 2017 - Robert Bauman received $50 from Ann Pieper Eisenbrown
- February 12, 2016 - Robert Bauman received $100 from Todd Farris
- November 18, 2015 - Robert Bauman received $50 from Dawn McCarthy
- May 7, 2015 - Nik Kovac received $100 from Todd Farris
- September 11, 2014 - Robert Bauman received $100 from Dawn McCarthy
- September 4, 2014 - Robert Bauman received $50 from Ann Pieper Eisenbrown