Economic Development Committee Hears STEM Presentation
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One item on the agenda that stood out as significant was Dr. Keenan Grenell‘s communication from the Regional Task Force on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education (STEM).
The study argues that “increasing the science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) pipeline in Wisconsin is a vital part of increasing and maintaining its economic stature” To promote the increasing of the economic stature the study recommends, the need to improve relationships between STEM organizations, to market STEM programs within the M7, and the creation of a “Research Institute for the Theory and Practice of STEM Entrepreneurial Wealth Creation” among other recommendations. This institute would be modeled after the successful IC
2 Institute at the University of Texas at Austin and whose purpose would be to “create more STEM research, practice, and policies with the M7 region”. This report comes at a critical time as both the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and Marquette University are planning expansions of their Engineering schools and shows the value of these developments to the City of Milwaukee and our region.