Parent – teacher conferences
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Tonight, we attended our kids’ parent-teacher conferences.
As a recovering homeschooling family, these events are always interesting. I know how my children are doing in school, because I still sit with them as they do their work. I know exactly where their strengths and weaknesses lie, and I know how to get past them. The teachers always have a folio of papers to present as evidence of progress, or of lack thereof. I get myself in trouble by laughing with the kids, addressing them as real people during the conference. We tell jokes, we talk strategy, we praise all the good points in our out loud voices. The teacher looks at us askance, wonders what exactly we teach our children at home. And yet, every teacher we’ve had in the three years we’ve going to public school has to admit that our kids are funny, smart, polite, well-disciplined, and task oriented. They have to admit, that though they don’t understand it, and certainly don’t condone it, whatever it is that we’re doing is working.
We high-five on our way out, another successful conference under our belts!