Kerry Mitchell, Milwaukee County Chief Human Resources Officer.

Content referencing Kerry Mitchell

County Executive Admits His Inability to Manage County Pension System
Press Release

County Executive Admits His Inability to Manage County Pension System

"Abele's statement that the administration of the pension plan needs new management is a stunning admission that he is not capable of doing his job as the ultimate manager of all county departments..."

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Thanks County Board for Vote to Reconfirm Kerry Mitchell
Press Release

Milwaukee County Executive Chris Abele Thanks County Board for Vote to Reconfirm Kerry Mitchell

Ms. Mitchell’s primary focus has been finding ways to invest in and support our most valuable asset -- our employees.

Milwaukee County to be recognized as Silver Award winner at upcoming Well City Milwaukee event
Press Release

Milwaukee County to be recognized as Silver Award winner at upcoming Well City Milwaukee event

The wellness program at Milwaukee County was designed and implemented with best practices based on what’s worked well in other organizations.

Murphy’s Law: The Nuclear Option
Murphy’s Law

The Nuclear Option

Supervisors nuke Chris Abele’s staff salaries. Will this hurt the county?