Content referencing Alissa Braatz

American Transmission Co. Hires Former Utility Regulator

American Transmission Co. Hires Former Utility Regulator

Ellen Nowak is now vice president of the company she was once charged with regulating.

State’s Utilities Would Spend $2.2 Billion on Transmission Lines

State’s Utilities Would Spend $2.2 Billion on Transmission Lines

Opponents cite costs for families, businesses, call for competitive bidding.

Murphy’s Law:  Foxconn’s Gift from Electric Customers
Murphy’s Law

Foxconn’s Gift from Electric Customers

Why are state customers paying $117 million -- or more -- for unneeded power upgrades?

Eyes on Milwaukee: City May Contest Foxconn Electricity Deal
Eyes on Milwaukee

City May Contest Foxconn Electricity Deal

Bauman, Kovac call We Energies deal "hypocrisy"; City Attorney may challenge it.

Eyes on Milwaukee: Will Milwaukeeans Pay for Foxconn Power?
Eyes on Milwaukee

Will Milwaukeeans Pay for Foxconn Power?

Yes, according to ATC spokesperson. Ald. Robert Bauman wants city to investigate issue.