Alex Runner

Alex Runner

Alex Runner is a resident of the historic Sherman Park neighborhood. He formerly worked in city hall. You can follow Alex on twitter at @creamcity.

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Recent Articles

Op-Ed: Is Sherman Park Still Burning?

Is Sherman Park Still Burning?

Yes, but not in the way you might think.

Does White Privilege Exist?

Does White Privilege Exist?

A white police officer’s split-second decision to trust me raises questions.

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Embrace Brew City’s Beauty

Embrace Brew City’s Beauty

Jim Gaffigan, renowned comedian and native Milwaukeean by marriage, does a routine about how much easier life is for beautiful people. “Think about it,” he says, “If a stranger smiles at you and they’re attractive, you think, ‘Oh, they’re nice,’ but if a stranger’s ugly, you’re like, ‘What do they want? Get away from me, weirdo!’”