State Rep. Chris Taylor
Press Release

JFC economic development briefings briefly gave me hope, and then not so much

"If voters in Iowa think our federal deficit is too high, just imagine what Governor Walker and his economic team in Wisconsin will do to it!"

By - Mar 4th, 2015 06:57 pm

MADISON – Today, the Joint Committee on Finance held its third and final day of briefings from handpicked Walker administration agency heads, including the Department of Revenue, Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation, the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority and the Department of Financial Institutions. After hearing from Walker’s economic team, ranking Assembly Democratic committee member Rep. Chris Taylor (D-Madison) released the following statement:

“Governor ’s presidential bid gave me brief hope for what it means to Wisconsin. After all, wouldn’t a man who wants to be President of the United States of America want to turn his sluggish economy around before abandoning home for presidential primary states? Surely Governor Walker wouldn’t want to run on a platform of balancing a $2.2 billion deficit that he himself created by cutting education, cutting the UW system and exorbitant bonding to pay for Wisconsin’s major transportation projects while failing to create the jobs he promised.

“Today, I focused my questions to the lead Walker economic gurus on how to get out of this economic mess. Rather than providing suggestions of how to grow Wisconsin’s middle-class and create economic opportunities for all Wisconsin’s families, Governor Walker’s flacks defended Walker’s extremist budget, which doesn’t invest in the Earned Income Tax Credit, doesn’t target property tax relief and doesn’t invest in our kids or hard working Wisconsin families.

“Even though Governor Walker can’t admit it to the primary voters in Iowa, I hoped his economic team would recognize that economic opportunities and prosperity for Wisconsinites doesn’t come from cuts and borrowing, but rather through investment and growth. If voters in Iowa think our federal deficit is too high, just imagine what Governor Walker and his economic team in Wisconsin will do to it!”

NOTE: This press release was submitted to Urban Milwaukee and was not written by an Urban Milwaukee writer. While it is believed to be reliable, Urban Milwaukee does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness.


  1. Paul says:

    Ms. Taylor, unless you use common core math $2.2 billion is less than $3.6 billion. And to think hard working Wisconsin taxpayers also got tax breaks during this time also.

  2. PMD says:

    Since you like to pick at the errors of others, you said also twice in the same sentence. That’s redundant.

    Yeah I can’t wait to spend my $6.50 tax break!

  3. Paul says:

    PMD…You’re near the bottom of Paul Grahams pyramid with that as your only argument

  4. PMD says:

    Who is Paul Graham and what is his pyramid? Like a pyramid scheme? Or did he help build the pyramids?

  5. Paul says:

    PMD…..There’s this wonderful thing called Google, try it some time

  6. PMD says:

    You and WCD are two peas in a pod (for many reasons). When asked a direct question, just tell people to use Google. Is that how you answer everything?

  7. Paul says:

    PMD….I’m trying to educate you. And you always change the subject instead of contributing to the conversation.

  8. PMD says:

    Yes telling someone to use Google is really educating them. You are an excellent teacher. Thanks for the laugh Paul. I do love a good laugh.

  9. AG says:

    Telling someone to “google it” is the debate equivalent of an angry housewife saying to her confused husband, “If you don’t know why I’m mad at you, then I’m not going to tell you!”

  10. Casey says:

    I dont know about your angry house wife but mine says that all the time. I should just be more intuitive.
    Next time Im going to google” why is my wife mad”

  11. Paul says:

    PMD…The internet is a great tool if you know how to use it, if you haven’t already Googled Paul Graham you are beyond hope

  12. PMD says:

    Paul I take you and your comments as seriously as I do my crazy right-wing relatives. If someone tells me to Google it when I ask them a direct question, well, that tells me everything I need to know.

  13. Kyle says:

    I would tell you to Google this story, but well…

    So if you usually read conservative articles, Google will show you more conservative articles. Liberals get more liberal articles. And Bob mostly just gets a history of his own posts. Telling someone to Google something does NOT mean that they will find what you want them to find. So provide your sources.

  14. Paul says:

    PMD..If you do Google it you will learn why you always lose those debates with your family

  15. Tim says:

    Links or it didn’t happen.

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